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PacketParser Class
Represents a data parser that can parse binary data in to IPackets.
Declaration Syntax
C#Visual BasicVisual C++
public class PacketParser : MultiSourceFrameImageParserBase<Guid, short, IPacket>
Public Class PacketParser _
	Inherits MultiSourceFrameImageParserBase(Of Guid, Short, IPacket)
public ref class PacketParser : public MultiSourceFrameImageParserBase<Guid, short, IPacket^>
All MembersConstructorsMethodsPropertiesFieldsEvents

Initializes a new instance of the PacketParser class

BeginRead(array<Byte>[]()[], Int32, Int32, AsyncCallback, Object) HostProtectionAttribute.
Begins an asynchronous read operation.
(Inherited from Stream.)
BeginWrite(array<Byte>[]()[], Int32, Int32, AsyncCallback, Object) HostProtectionAttribute.
Begins an asynchronous write operation.
(Inherited from Stream.)
CanRead()()() (Inherited from BinaryImageParserBase.)
CanSeek()()() (Inherited from BinaryImageParserBase.)
Gets a value that determines whether the current stream can time out.
(Inherited from Stream.)
CanWrite()()() (Inherited from BinaryImageParserBase.)
Closes the current stream and releases any resources (such as sockets and file handles) associated with the current stream.
(Inherited from Stream.)
CreateBufferQueue()()() (Inherited from MultiSourceFrameImageParserBase<(Of <(Guid, Int16, IPacket>)>).)
Creates an object that contains all the relevant information required to generate a proxy used to communicate with a remote object.
(Inherited from MarshalByRefObject.)
CreateWaitHandle()()() Obsolete.
Allocates a WaitHandle object.
(Inherited from Stream.)
CurrentStatistics()()() (Inherited from MultiSourceFrameImageParserBase<(Of <(Guid, Int16, IPacket>)>).)
DataDiscarded()()() (Inherited from BinaryImageParserBase.)
DataParsed()()() (Inherited from MultiSourceFrameImageParserBase<(Of <(Guid, Int16, IPacket>)>).)
Dispose(Boolean) (Inherited from MultiSourceFrameImageParserBase<(Of <(Guid, Int16, IPacket>)>).)
Releases all resources used by the Stream.
(Inherited from Stream.)
DuplicateTypeHandlerEncountered()()() (Inherited from FrameImageParserBase<(Of <(Int16, IPacket>)>).)
Enabled()()() (Inherited from BinaryImageParserBase.)
Waits for the pending asynchronous read to complete.
(Inherited from Stream.)
Ends an asynchronous write operation.
(Inherited from Stream.)
Determines whether the specified Object is equal to the current Object.
(Inherited from Object.)
Allows an Object to attempt to free resources and perform other cleanup operations before the Object is reclaimed by garbage collection.
(Inherited from Object.)
Flush()()() (Inherited from MultiSourceFrameImageParserBase<(Of <(Guid, Int16, IPacket>)>).)
Serves as a hash function for a particular type.
(Inherited from Object.)
Retrieves the current lifetime service object that controls the lifetime policy for this instance.
(Inherited from MarshalByRefObject.)
Gets the Type of the current instance.
(Inherited from Object.)
Obtains a lifetime service object to control the lifetime policy for this instance.
(Inherited from MarshalByRefObject.)
Length()()() (Inherited from BinaryImageParserBase.)
Creates a shallow copy of the current MarshalByRefObject object.
(Inherited from MarshalByRefObject.)
Creates a shallow copy of the current Object.
(Inherited from Object.)
Name()()() (Inherited from BinaryImageParserBase.)
OnDataDiscarded(array<Byte>[]()[]) (Inherited from BinaryImageParserBase.)
OnDataParsed(UTP, List<(Of <(UTP>)>)) (Inherited from MultiSourceFrameImageParserBase<(Of <(Guid, Int16, IPacket>)>).)
OnDataParsed(UTP) (Inherited from FrameImageParserBase<(Of <(Int16, IPacket>)>).)
OnDuplicateTypeHandlerEncountered(Type, UTP) (Inherited from FrameImageParserBase<(Of <(Int16, IPacket>)>).)
OnOutputTypeNotFound(UTP) (Inherited from FrameImageParserBase<(Of <(Int16, IPacket>)>).)
OnParsingException(Exception) (Inherited from BinaryImageParserBase.)
OutputTypeNotFound()()() (Inherited from FrameImageParserBase<(Of <(Int16, IPacket>)>).)
Parse(UTP, array<Byte>[]()[]) (Inherited from MultiSourceFrameImageParserBase<(Of <(Guid, Int16, IPacket>)>).)
Parse(UTP, array<Byte>[]()[], Int32, Int32) (Inherited from MultiSourceFrameImageParserBase<(Of <(Guid, Int16, IPacket>)>).)
Parse(UTP, ISupportBinaryImage) (Inherited from MultiSourceFrameImageParserBase<(Of <(Guid, Int16, IPacket>)>).)
Parse(ISupportBinaryImage) Obsolete. (Inherited from MultiSourceFrameImageParserBase<(Of <(Guid, Int16, IPacket>)>).)
ParseCommonHeader(array<Byte>[]()[], Int32, Int32)
Returns an PacketCommonHeader object.
(Overrides FrameImageParserBase<(Of <(Int16, IPacket>)>).ParseCommonHeader(array<Byte>[]()[], Int32, Int32).)
ParseFrame(array<Byte>[]()[], Int32, Int32) (Inherited from FrameImageParserBase<(Of <(Int16, IPacket>)>).)
ParseQueuedBuffers(array<IdentifiableItem<(Of <(UTP, array<Byte>[]()[]>)>)>[]()[]) (Inherited from MultiSourceFrameImageParserBase<(Of <(Guid, Int16, IPacket>)>).)
ParsingException()()() (Inherited from BinaryImageParserBase.)
Position()()() (Inherited from BinaryImageParserBase.)
ProtocolSyncBytes()()() (Inherited from BinaryImageParserBase.)
Returns false since the protocol implementation of IPacket does not use synchronization.
(Overrides BinaryImageParserBase.ProtocolUsesSyncBytes()()().)
PurgeBuffer(UTP) (Inherited from MultiSourceFrameImageParserBase<(Of <(Guid, Int16, IPacket>)>).)
QueuedBuffers()()() (Inherited from MultiSourceFrameImageParserBase<(Of <(Guid, Int16, IPacket>)>).)
Read(array<Byte>[]()[], Int32, Int32) (Inherited from BinaryImageParserBase.)
Reads a byte from the stream and advances the position within the stream by one byte, or returns -1 if at the end of the stream.
(Inherited from Stream.)
Gets or sets a value, in miliseconds, that determines how long the stream will attempt to read before timing out.
(Inherited from Stream.)
RunTime()()() (Inherited from BinaryImageParserBase.)
Seek(Int64, SeekOrigin) (Inherited from BinaryImageParserBase.)
SetLength(Int64) (Inherited from BinaryImageParserBase.)
Start()()() (Inherited from MultiSourceFrameImageParserBase<(Of <(Guid, Int16, IPacket>)>).)
Start(IEnumerable<(Of <(Type>)>)) (Inherited from FrameImageParserBase<(Of <(Int16, IPacket>)>).)
Status()()() (Inherited from MultiSourceFrameImageParserBase<(Of <(Guid, Int16, IPacket>)>).)
Stop()()() (Inherited from MultiSourceFrameImageParserBase<(Of <(Guid, Int16, IPacket>)>).)
StreamInitialized()()() (Inherited from BinaryImageParserBase.)
Returns a String that represents the current Object.
(Inherited from Object.)
TotalProcessedBuffers()()() (Inherited from BinaryImageParserBase.)
UnparsedBuffer()()() (Inherited from BinaryImageParserBase.)
Write(array<Byte>[]()[], Int32, Int32) Obsolete. (Inherited from MultiSourceFrameImageParserBase<(Of <(Guid, Int16, IPacket>)>).)
Writes a byte to the current position in the stream and advances the position within the stream by one byte.
(Inherited from Stream.)
Gets or sets a value, in miliseconds, that determines how long the stream will attempt to write before timing out.
(Inherited from Stream.)
Inheritance Hierarchy
   FrameImageParserBase<(Of <(Int16, IPacket>)>)
    MultiSourceFrameImageParserBase<(Of <(Guid, Int16, IPacket>)>)

Assembly: TVA.Historian (Module: TVA.Historian) Version: