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Grid Solutions Framework

SeriesFunction Enumeration

Defines available functions that can operate on TimeSeriesValues.

Namespace: GrafanaAdapters
Assembly: GrafanaAdapters (in GrafanaAdapters.dll) Version: 2.4.158-beta
public enum SeriesFunction
Member nameValueDescription
Average0 Returns a single value that represents the mean of the values in the source series.
Minimum1 Returns a single value that is the minimum of the values in the source series.
Maximum2 Returns a single value that is the maximum of the values in the source series.
Total3 Returns a single value that represents the sum of the values in the source series.
Range4 Returns a single value that represents the range, i.e., maximum - minimum, of the values in the source series.
Count5 Returns a single value that is the count of the values in the source series.
Distinct6 Returns a series of values that represent the unique set of values in the source series.
AbsoluteValue7 Returns a series of values that represent the absolute value each of the values in the source series.
Add8 Returns a series of values that represent each of the values in the source series added with N. N is a floating point value representing an additive offset to be applied to each value the source series. N can either be constant value or a named target available from the expression.
Subtract9 Returns a series of values that represent each of the values in the source series subtracted by N. N is a floating point value representing an subtractive offset to be applied to each value the source series. N can either be constant value or a named target available from the expression.
Multiply10 Returns a series of values that represent each of the values in the source series multiplied by N. N is a floating point value representing a multiplicative factor to be applied to each value the source series. N can either be constant value or a named target available from the expression.
Divide11 Returns a series of values that represent each of the values in the source series divided by N. N is a floating point value representing a divisive factor to be applied to each value the source series. N can either be constant value or a named target available from the expression.
Modulo12 Returns a series of values that represent each of the values in the source series modulo by N. N is a floating point value representing a divisive factor to be applied to each value the source series. N can either be constant value or a named target available from the expression.
Round13 Returns a series of values that represent the rounded value, with N fractional digits, of each of the values in the source series. N, optional, is a positive integer value representing the number of decimal places in the return value - defaults to 0.
Floor14 Returns a series of values that represent the smallest integral value that is less than or equal to each of the values in the source series.
Ceiling15 Returns a series of values that represent the smallest integral value that is greater than or equal to each of the values in the source series.
Truncate16 Returns a series of values that represent the integral part of each of the values in the source series.
StandardDeviation17 Returns a single value that represents the standard deviation of the values in the source series. First parameter, optional, is a boolean flag representing if the sample based calculation should be used - defaults to false, which means the population based calculation should be used.
Median18 Returns a single value that represents the median of the values in the source series.
Mode19 Returns a single value that represents the mode of the values in the source series.
Top20 Returns a series of N, or N% of total, values that are the largest in the source series. N is either a positive integer value, representing a total, that is greater than zero - or - a floating point value, suffixed with '%' representing a percentage, that must range from greater than 0 to less than or equal to 100. Second parameter, optional, is a boolean flag representing if time in dataset should be normalized - defaults to true. N can either be constant value or a named target available from the expression. Any target values that fall between 0 and 1 will be treated as a percentage.
Bottom21 Returns a series of N, or N% of total, values that are the smallest in the source series. N is either a positive integer value, representing a total, that is greater than zero - or - a floating point value, suffixed with '%' representing a percentage, that must range from greater than 0 to less than or equal to 100. Second parameter, optional, is a boolean flag representing if time in dataset should be normalized - defaults to true. N can either be constant value or a named target available from the expression. Any target values that fall between 0 and 1 will be treated as a percentage.
Random22 Returns a series of N, or N% of total, values that are a random sample of the values in the source series. N is either a positive integer value, representing a total, that is greater than zero - or - a floating point value, suffixed with '%' representing a percentage, that must range from greater than 0 to less than or equal to 100. Second parameter, optional, is a boolean flag representing if time in dataset should be normalized - defaults to true. N can either be constant value or a named target available from the expression. Any target values that fall between 0 and 1 will be treated as a percentage.
First23 Returns a series of N, or N% of total, values from the start of the source series. N, optional, is either a positive integer value, representing a total, that is greater than zero - or - a floating point value, suffixed with '%' representing a percentage, that must range from greater than 0 to less than or equal to 100 - defaults to 1. N can either be constant value or a named target available from the expression. Any target values that fall between 0 and 1 will be treated as a percentage.
Last24 Returns a series of N, or N% of total, values from the end of the source series. N, optional, is either a positive integer value, representing a total, that is greater than zero - or - a floating point value, suffixed with '%' representing a percentage, that must range from greater than 0 to less than or equal to 100 - defaults to 1. N can either be constant value or a named target available from the expression. Any target values that fall between 0 and 1 will be treated as a percentage.
Percentile25 Returns a single value that represents the Nth order percentile for the sorted values in the source series. N is a floating point value, representing a percentage, that must range from 0 to 100.
Difference26 Returns a series of values that represent the difference between consecutive values in the source series.
TimeDifference27 Returns a series of values that represent the time difference, in time units, between consecutive values in the source series. The units parameter, optional, specifies the type of time units and must be one of the following: Seconds, Nanoseconds, Microseconds, Milliseconds, Minutes, Hours, Days, Weeks, Ke (i.e., traditional Chinese unit of decimal time), Ticks (i.e., 100-nanosecond intervals), PlanckTime or AtomicUnitsOfTime - defaults to Seconds.
Derivative28 Returns a series of values that represent the rate of change, per time units, for the difference between consecutive values in the source series. The units parameter, optional, specifies the type of time units and must be one of the following: Seconds, Nanoseconds, Microseconds, Milliseconds, Minutes, Hours, Days, Weeks, Ke (i.e., traditional Chinese unit of decimal time), Ticks (i.e., 100-nanosecond intervals), PlanckTime or AtomicUnitsOfTime - defaults to Seconds.
TimeIntegration29 Returns a single value that represents the time-based integration, i.e., the sum of V(n) * (T(n) - T(n-1)) where time difference is calculated in the specified time units, of the values in the source series. The units parameter, optional, specifies the type of time units and must be one of the following: Seconds, Nanoseconds, Microseconds, Milliseconds, Minutes, Hours, Days, Weeks, Ke (i.e., traditional Chinese unit of decimal time), Ticks (i.e., 100-nanosecond intervals), PlanckTime or AtomicUnitsOfTime - defaults to Hours.
Interval30 Returns a series of values that represent a decimated set of the values in the source series based on the specified interval N, in time units. N is a floating-point value that must be greater than or equal to zero that represents the desired time interval, in time units, for the returned data. The units parameter, optional, specifies the type of time units and must be one of the following: Seconds, Nanoseconds, Microseconds, Milliseconds, Minutes, Hours, Days, Weeks, Ke (i.e., traditional Chinese unit of decimal time), Ticks (i.e., 100-nanosecond intervals), PlanckTime or AtomicUnitsOfTime - defaults to Seconds. Setting N value to zero will request non-decimated, full resolution data from the data source. A zero N value will always produce the most accurate aggregation calculation results but will increase query burden for large time ranges. N can either be constant value or a named target available from the expression.
IncludeRange31 Returns a series of values that represent a filtered set of the values in the source series where each value falls between the specified low and high. The low and high parameter values are floating-point numbers that represent the range of values allowed in the return series. Third parameter, optional, is a boolean flag that determines if range values are inclusive, i.e., allowed values are >= low and <= high - defaults to false, which means values are exclusive, i.e., allowed values are > low and < high. Function allows a fourth optional parameter that is a boolean flag - when four parameters are provided, third parameter determines if low value is inclusive and forth parameter determines if high value is inclusive. The low and high parameter values can either be constant values or named targets available from the expression.
ExcludeRange32 Returns a series of values that represent a filtered set of the values in the source series where each value falls outside the specified low and high. The low and high parameter values are floating-point numbers that represent the range of values excluded in the return series. Third parameter, optional, is a boolean flag that determines if range values are inclusive, i.e., excluded values are <= low or >= high - defaults to false, which means values are exclusive, i.e., excluded values are < low or > high. Function allows a fourth optional parameter that is a boolean flag - when four parameters are provided, third parameter determines if low value is inclusive and forth parameter determines if high value is inclusive. The low and high parameter values can either be constant values or named targets available from the expression.
FilterNaN33 Returns a series of values that represent a filtered set of the values in the source series where each value is a real number, i.e., value is not NaN. First parameter, optional, is a boolean flag that determines if infinite values should also be excluded - defaults to true.
UnwrapAngle34 Returns a series of values that represent an adjusted set of angles that are unwrapped, per specified angle units, so that a comparable mathematical operation can be executed. For example, for angles that wrap between -180 and +180 degrees, this algorithm unwraps the values to make the values mathematically comparable. The units parameter, optional, specifies the type of angle units and must be one of the following: Degrees, Radians, Grads, ArcMinutes, ArcSeconds or AngularMil - defaults to Degrees.
WrapAngle35 Returns a series of values that represent an adjusted set of angles that are wrapped, per specified angle units, so that angle values are consistently between -180 and +180 degrees. The units parameter, optional, specifies the type of angle units and must be one of the following: Degrees, Radians, Grads, ArcMinutes, ArcSeconds or AngularMil - defaults to Degrees.
Label36 Renames a series with the specified label value. If multiple series are targeted, labels will be indexed starting at one, e.g., if there are three series in the target expression with a label value of "Max", series would be labeled as "Max 1", "Max 2" and "Max 3". Group operations on this function will be ignored. The label parameter also supports substitutions when root target metadata can be resolved. For series values that directly map to a point tag, metadata value substitutions for the tag can be used in the label value - for example: {ID}, {SignalID}, {PointTag}, {AlternateTag}, {SignalReference}, {Device}, {FramesPerSecond}, {Protocol}, {ProtocolType}, {SignalType}, {EngineeringUnits}, {PhasorType}, {Company}, {Description} - where applicable, these substitutions can be used in any combination.
Evaluate37 Evaluates an expression over a slice of values in one or more series. The `evalExpression` parameter must always be expressed in braces, e.g., `{ expression }`; expressions are strongly typed, but not case sensitive. Expressions are expected to return a value that can be evaluated as a floating-point number. Target tag names are used as variables in the expression. The Evaluate function is always evaluated as a slice, any specified group operation prefix will be ignored. Default .NET system types available to expressions are Math and DateTime. Use the "Imports" command to define more types for expressions.
None38 Not a recognized function.
See Also