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XmlExtensions Methods

The XmlExtensions type exposes the following members.

  Name Description
Public Extension Method ApplyXSLTransform Transforms an XML document using the given XSL template.
Public Extension Method Format Formats the contents of an XML element and returns the result.
Public Extension Method GetAttributeValue Safely gets or sets an XML node's attribute.
Public Extension Method GetDataSet Gets a data set object from an XML data set formatted as a String.
Public Extension Method GetXmlNode(XmlDocument, String) Gets an XML node from given path, creating the entire path if it does not exist.
Public Extension Method GetXmlNode(XmlNode, String) Gets an XML node from given path, creating the entire path if it does not exist.
Public Extension Method GetXmlNode(XmlDocument, String, Boolean) Gets an XML node from given path, creating the entire path if it does not exist.
Public Extension Method GetXmlNode(XmlNode, String, Boolean) Gets an XML node from given path, creating the entire path if it does not exist.
Public Extension Method Is Finds all attributes queried from WhereAttribute(IEnumerableXElement, String) that match attributeValue.
Public Extension Method SetAttributeValue Safely sets an XML node's attribute.
Public Extension Method TransformAll(XDocument, XName, FuncXElement, Int32, Object) Transforms all elements in the given document matching the given name using the given selector function to perform the transformation.
Public Extension Method TransformAll(XDocument, XName, FuncXElement, Object) Transforms all elements in the given document matching the given name using the given selector function to perform the transformation.
Public Extension Method WhereAttribute Finds all attributes in an enumeration of XElement items that match the specified attributeName.
See Also