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GSF.Historian.DataServices Namespace

Contains classes that define the fundamental data web services for a historian.
  Class Description
Public class DataService A base class for web service that can send and receive historian data over REST (Representational State Transfer) interface.
Public class DataServices A class that loads all of the data web services.
Public class MetadataService Represents a REST web service for historian metadata.
Public class Code example SerializableMetadata Represents a container for SerializableMetadataRecords that can be serialized using XmlSerializer or DataContractJsonSerializer.
Public class Code example SerializableMetadataRecord Represents a flattened MetadataRecord that can be serialized using XmlSerializer, DataContractSerializer or DataContractJsonSerializer.
Public class SerializableReadRequestData Represents a container for JSON serialized time-series data read request.
Public class Code example SerializableTimeSeriesData Represents a container for SerializableTimeSeriesDataPoints that can be serialized using XmlSerializer or DataContractJsonSerializer.
Public class Code example SerializableTimeSeriesDataPoint Represents a time-series data-point that can be serialized using XmlSerializer, DataContractSerializer or DataContractJsonSerializer.
Public class TimeSeriesDataService Represents a REST web service for time-series data.
  Interface Description
Public interface IDataService Defines a web service that can send and receive historian data over REST (Representational State Transfer) interface.
Public interface IMetadataService Defines a REST web service for historian metadata.
Public interface ITimeSeriesDataService Defines a REST web service for time-series data.
  Enumeration Description
Public enumeration DataFlowDirection Indicates the direction in which data will be flowing from a web service.