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CipherEncrypt Method

Overload List
  Name Description
Public Extension Method Encrypt(Byte, String, CipherStrength) Returns a binary array of encrypted data for the given parameters.
Public Extension Method Encrypt(String, String, CipherStrength) Returns a Base64 encoded string of the returned binary array of the encrypted data, generated with the given parameters.
Public Extension Method Encrypt(Byte, Byte, Byte, CipherStrength) Returns a binary array of encrypted data for the given parameters.
Public Extension Method Encrypt(Stream, Byte, Byte, CipherStrength) Returns a stream of encrypted data for the given parameters.
Public Extension Method Encrypt(Byte, Int32, Int32, String, CipherStrength) Returns a binary array of encrypted data for the given parameters.
Public Extension Method Encrypt(Byte, Int32, Int32, Byte, Byte, CipherStrength) Returns a binary array of encrypted data for the given parameters.
Public Extension Method Encrypt(Stream, Stream, Byte, Byte, CipherStrength, ActionProcessProgressInt64) Encrypts input stream onto output stream for the given parameters.
See Also