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ConnectionStringParserTParameterAttribute Properties

The ConnectionStringParserTParameterAttribute type exposes the following members.

  Name Description
Public property EndValueDelimiter Gets or sets the end value delimiter used to denote the end of a value in the cases where the value contains one of the delimiters defined for the connection string.
(Inherited from ConnectionStringParser)
Public property ExplicitlySpecifyDefaults Gets or sets the flag that determines whether to explicitly specify parameter values that match their defaults when serializing settings to a connection string.
(Inherited from ConnectionStringParser)
Public property KeyValueDelimiter Gets or sets the key-value delimiter used to separate keys from values in the connection string.
(Inherited from ConnectionStringParser)
Public property ParameterDelimiter Gets or sets the parameter delimiter used to separate key-value pairs in the connection string.
(Inherited from ConnectionStringParser)
Public property SerializeUnspecifiedProperties Redefined to throw an exception. This property has no meaning when property serialization is determined by the existence of the typed parameter.
Public property StartValueDelimiter Gets or sets the start value delimiter used to denote the start of a value in the cases where the value contains one of the delimiters defined for the connection string.
(Inherited from ConnectionStringParser)
Public property Static member TypeRegistry Gets or sets TypeRegistry instance used for evaluating encountered instances of the DefaultValueExpressionAttribute on modeled connection string values that are marked with TParameterAttribute.
See Also