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GSF Namespace

Contains fundamental classes that define commonly-used value and reference data types, interfaces, and basic type extension functions.
  Class Description
Public class ArrayExtensions Defines extension functions related to Array manipulation.
Public class BigBinaryValue Represents a big-endian ordered binary data sample stored as a byte array, but implicitly castable to most common native types.
Public class BigEndian Defines a set of big-endian byte order interoperability functions.
Public class BigEndianOrder Represents a big-endian byte order interoperability class.
Public class BinaryCodedDecimal Defines functions related to binary-coded decimals.
Public class BinaryValueBaseTEndianOrder Represents the base class for a binary data sample stored as a byte array, but implicitly castable to most common native types.
Public class BitExtensions Defines extension methods related to bit operations.
Public class BitMath Contains some random and useful functions.
Public class BitwiseCast Defines specialized bitwise integer data type conversion functions
Public class BufferPool Obsolete.
Represents a common buffer pool that can be used by an application.
Public class ByteEncoding Defines a set of methods used to convert byte buffers to and from user presentable data formats.
Public class ByteEncodingASCIIEncoding Handles conversion of byte buffers to and from a ASCII data format.
Public class ByteEncodingBase64Encoding Handles conversion of byte buffers to and from a base64 data format.
Public class ByteEncodingBinaryEncoding Handles conversion of byte buffers to and from a binary (i.e., 0 and 1's) data format.
Public class ByteEncodingDecimalEncoding Handles conversion of byte buffers to and from a decimal data format.
Public class ByteEncodingHexadecimalEncoding Handles conversion of byte buffers to and from a hexadecimal data format.
Public class CharExtensions Defines extension functions related to character manipulation.
Public class Common Defines common global functions.
Public class CompoundValueT Represents a collection of individual values that together represent a compound value once all the values have been assigned.
Public class DateTimeExtensions Defines extension functions related to Date/Time manipulation.
Public class DateTimeRounding Responsible for rounding measurements to their nearest time bucket. For example: a 30 sample per second value of 5.1666766 would round to 5.1666667
Public class EmptyArrayT Contains an empty array object.
Public class Encoding7Bit Contains 7 bit encoding functions
Public class EndianOrder Represents an endian byte order interoperability class.
Public class EnumExtensions Defines extension methods related to enumerations.
Public class EventArgsT Represents a generic event arguments class with one data argument.
Public class EventArgsT1, T2 Represents a generic event arguments class with two data arguments.
Public class EventArgsT1, T2, T3 Represents a generic event arguments class with three data arguments.
Public class EventArgsT1, T2, T3, T4 Represents a generic event arguments class with three data arguments.
Public class FastObjectFactory Quickly creates new objects based on specified type.
Public class FastObjectFactoryT Quickly creates new objects based on specified type.
Public class GuidExtensions Extension methods for Guid.
Public class IdentifiableItemTId, TItem Represents an identifiable item.
Public class InitializationException The exception that is thrown when an object fails to initialize properly.
Public class LittleBinaryValue Represents a little-endian ordered binary data sample stored as a byte array, but implicitly castable to most common native types.
Public class LittleEndian Defines a set of little-endian byte order interoperability functions.
Public class LittleEndianOrder Represents a little-endian byte order interoperability class.
Public class NativeBinaryValue Represents a binary data sample stored as a byte array ordered in the endianness of the OS, but implicitly castable to most common native types.
Public class NativeEndianOrder Represents a native-endian byte order interoperability class.
Public class NtpTimeTag Represents a standard Network Time Protocol (NTP) timetag.
Public class NullableWeakReference A WeakReference implementation that can have the Target object set to null. Natively, setting Target to null will throw an InvalidOperationException,
Public class NumericExtensions Defines extension functions related to numbers.
Public class ObjectStateTState A serializable class that can be used to track the current and previous state of an object.
Public class OptimizationOptions This class will contain various optimizations that can be enabled in certain circumstances through the SystemSettings. Since this framework is used in many settings, for stability reasons, tradeoffs are made. This gives the users opportunities to enable/disable certain optimizations if for some reason they cause adverse effects on their system.
Public class PrecisionTimer Represents a high-resolution timer and timestamp class.
Public class ProcessProgressTUnit Represents current process progress for an operation.
Public class ProcessProgressHandlerTUnit Defines a delegate handler for a ProcessProgressTUnit instance.
Public class RadixCodec Represents a radix value codec for conversion of base-10 integer values to and from other base values.
Public class RangeT Represents a range of values defined by start and end value.
Public class RangeTRange, TState Represents a range of values defined by a start and end value with encapsulated state.
Public class ReusableObjectPool Obsolete.
Represents a reusable object pool that can be used by an application.
Public class ReusableObjectPoolT Obsolete.
Represents a reusable object pool that can be used by an application.
Public class Serialization Common serialization related functions.
Public class StringExtensions Defines extension functions related to string manipulation.
Public class TimerStartException Represents an exception that is thrown when a PrecisionTimer fails to start.
Public class TimeSpanExtensions Extends the TimeSpan Class
Public class TimeTagBase Represents the base class for alternate timetag implementations.
Public class TrackableT Represents the change history for a property.
Public class TransformEqualityComparerT Equality comparer that compares objects by the results of a transformation.
Public class TypeExtensions Extensions to all Type objects.
Public class UnixTimeTag Represents a standard Unix timetag.
Public class USTimeZones Defines a few common United States time zones.
Public class Word Represents functions and extensions related to 16-bit words, 32-bit double-words and 64-bit quad-words.
  Structure Description
Public structure ComplexNumber Represents a complex number.
Public structure Int24 Represents a 3-byte, 24-bit signed integer.
Public structure ShortTime Represents a high resolution time that is very granular but may drift if trying to accurately measure long time durations (Such as hours). This time is not adjusted with changes to the system clock. Typical clock drifts by about 2-3 ms per minute as apposed to 0.4ms per minute for standard DateTime.
Public structure Ticks Represents an instant in time, or time period, as a 64-bit signed integer with a value that is expressed as the number of 100-nanosecond intervals that have elapsed since 12:00:00 midnight, January 1, 0001.
Public structure TimerCapabilities Represents information about the system's multimedia timer capabilities.
Public structure UInt24 Represents a 3-byte, 24-bit unsigned integer.
  Interface Description
Public interface IMergeableT Represents a type of object that is mergeable with another type of object.
Public interface IProvideStatus Defines an interface for any object to allow it to provide a name and status that can be displayed for informational purposes.
Public interface ISupportLifecycle Specifies that this object provides support for performing tasks during the key stages of object lifecycle.
Public interface ITrackable Represents the change history for a property.
  Enumeration Description
Public enumeration ApplicationType Specifies the type of the application.
Public enumeration BaselineTimeInterval Time intervals enumeration used by BaselinedTimestamp(BaselineTimeInterval) method.
Public enumeration Bits Represents bits in a signed or unsigned integer value.
Public enumeration EnabledState Enumeration that represents a state of either "automatic", "on" or "off".
Public enumeration Endianness Endian Byte Order Enumeration.
Public enumeration OptimizationOptionsRoutingMethod The routing method to use.
Public enumeration SerializationFormat Indicates the format of Object serialization or deserialization.
Public enumeration UpdateType Indicates the type of update.